We have been monitoring the Schumann resonance since its discovery by the space observatory in 2002. Over the years it has remained generally constant with a few peaks and dropouts here and there. As of June 18, 2023, however, we are entering a new period. The heartbeat of the earth, the source is sending us new heightened information! This shows that we are entering a new phase.
The new earth is here and is sending the people of earth the most loving message ever!
Luciënne Schulingkamp of “the Angel Address,” in consultation with AE Michael, has a message for us.
Luciënne has captured this message and turned it into an e-book.
Download here the 22-page e-book with ‘channeled’ Message from The LoveHealing Frequency Code, ‘The New Earth is Here!’
This is a Healing Energetic DNA Activation Code that showed itself on June 18, 2023.
This Special Message for Humanity, will no doubt at the time you read this…bring about small or large changes. Read…and Experience for yourself what this Love-Filled Message does to YOU….