Schumann Institute Netherlands

Video Schumann Resonance Course

It's Time to Start Your Adventures

You watch the Schumann resonance course given by Anton Teuben online. The one-day video course was already available, now you can also follow the second day as a video course.

With day 1 you have all the important information you need to get started integrating Schumann resonance yourself. On day 2 there will be a deepening and some more exercises.

Of course, the course is not 100% the same as following the course live, where you can ask your own questions, learn from the questions of others and be supported in doing the exercises when needed. Still, the online results are amazing, possibly also because you are not easily distracted by taking this course individually at a time and place that suits you. Enjoy!

Video Schumann Resonance Course Program

With day 1 you have all the important information you need to get started integrating Schumann resonance yourself. Day 2 is followed by a deepening and some more exercises.

Of course, the course is not 100% the same as taking the live course or the online course via zoom, where you can ask your own questions, learn from others’ questions and be supported in doing the exercises when needed. Still, the online results are amazing, possibly also because you are not easily distracted because you take this course individually at a time and place that suits you.

When applied, the integration of Schumann resonance offers the following possibilities, among others:
  • Activating the self-healing ability
  • It provides protection from radiation and other unwanted frequencies
  • It activates your cells and restores your DNA
  • It dissolves blockages and offers new insights and possibilities
  • The best tool against mind-control and intimidation
  • It connects the right and left brain
The following topics, among others, are covered in this course
Day 1:
  • the Schumann resonance and possibilities, aura and chakras
  • death, past lives, consciousness, immortality
  • Big Bang, photon belt, ley lines, 5th dimension
  • the inner earth, the power of water, dolphins and whales
  • ascension phenomena, Nesara, Monsanto, vaccines, chemtrails, AI
  • included two exercises for integrating Schumann resonance.
Day 2:
  • The universe, the power of water and the inner earth
  • The matrix, DNA and Gesara-Nesara
  • DNA repair, genetic codes, (para)normal phenomena
  • Past lives, Atlantis, multidimensional beings, hyperspace
  • UFO’s and extraterrestrial contact, light beings, universal consciousness
  • Also included here are exercises for integrating Schumann resonance.

Because we like to make the course as accessible as possible, we have a low price of €99,00 VAT free per day. With this you make a donation to the Schumann Institute Netherlands.

We have launch our new video course platform. for those who have already purchased video courses will also get access to the renewed website.

Aftercare in cooperation with the Schumann Collective

Two of our coaches, Tamara & Elianne started the initiative of the Schumann Collective to provide especially aftercare so that people, who have learned to use the Schumann resonance, actually have tools to further anchor the Schumann resonance.

A great initiative through which a collaboration was created. Collaborations with the goal of creating a new Earth where we use love as the key is something you can expect more of in the future. For only in this way do we create magic to achieve our common goal of creating the new Earth.

Universe is Magic & Love is the Key!

About the Schumann Collective

The Schumann Resonance is the vibration between the Earth’s core and the outer layer of the ionosphere, about 65 kilometers above the Earth. Everything that lives on this planet is connected to this vibration, so to speak, the heartbeat of the Earth.  However, present-day man is not aware of this, because we have not been taught to connect energetically to this vibration.

More and more people are beginning to realize how important it is to keep our own energy frequency high. By tuning into the Schumann Resonance, we can balance our body and mind and enrich our lives.


Our mission is to teach people how to activate their self-healing abilities and thereby improve their physical and emotional wellbeing. We want to build an online community where participants can practice daily and support each other in their personal development. By sharing knowledge, experiences and inspiration we want to contribute to a greater awareness and balance in the world.


Our vision is to inspire the world to live more conscious and healthy lives by activating self-healing capacity. We want to teach our participants how to harness their own power and potential and optimize their health and well-being. We believe that a stronger connection to our inner strength and wisdom contributes to a more harmonious society. Through our online community and training program, we want to have a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible.

Membership Content

Our membership with the Schumann Collective gives you exclusive access to a wealth of valuable resources and opportunities. Discover an extensive library of inspiring courses, meditations and exercises that will guide you on your path of self-discovery and growth. In addition, you will become part of a thriving online community, where you will meet like-minded souls, share experiences and support each other. Discover the power of our membership and be inspired to reach your full potential.

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Live uitzendingen!

We zijn NU Live!

Schumann Instituut Nederland en UFO meldpunt Anton Teuben claimt: 

Ochtend: 10.30-12.00 uur
Middag: 14.30-16.30 uur
Avond: 19.30-21.00 uur

Zowel in de morgen- als de middaguitzending starten we met kort Universeel Nieuws en gaan we daarna in op de grote cover-ups t.a.v. vrije, natuurzuivere energie. En wat kunnen we al gebruiken? Gaten bij de polen en wat zit eronder? Buitenaards contact in Nederland en België en vanwaar komen ze? Klimaatverandering of natuurlijke cyclus? Wie zijn wij en waarom zijn de Schumann resonantie en de juiste afbeelding van de mens uit het vakgebied gehaald van het Universitaire Onderwijs? Dit bespreken we met o.a. Sjaak Bruisten, Frank Bonte en het Schumann team die de presentaties en cursussen verzorgen.

Vanavond alsnog Geert Huinink over klanken & frequenties. Jullie hebben gisteren en eergisteren al van zijn muziek kunnen genieten dus wees erbij!!
En dan Reinoud Eleveld over zijn Vallei Cursus, waarmee hij anderen leert om je eigen energie in en door je lijf te kunnen sturen.
Daarna onze conclusies van de afgelopen goed bezochte Live Week en de afsluiting daarvan.

Entree is gratis. Meekijken kan via deze Zoom link:
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