Schumann Institute Netherlands

Newsletter February

This is the news

Dear Member of the Schumann Institute,

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This Is The News!!!
Every week and bring you important news facts that are essential for the well-being and health of humans, the eco-system and the planet. Everyone should receive this news which is based on facts, evidence and provides the solutions to the current impasse that the earth and all its inhabitants are in. We advise everyone to investigate further and realize the important choices humanity faces and where we put our time and energy from now on.

Earth… a living being with consciousness?
The discovery of standing waves between the earth and ionosphere by Winfried Otto Schumann in 1952 can now be described as the heartbeat of the earth. By now, so much more practical knowledge and information about Mother Earth is available, that the observation of almost all space travelers is true. The earth is a living being with consciousness and self-healing ability and provides us with the life energy and ingredients to stay healthy. In fact, all of nature and all life on our planet is provided with life energy, however, most people had unknowingly lost this energetic connection. Now that our solar system has been back in the photon belt since about 1990, we are seeing a return of consciousness in humans. Many realize and discover again who we are ourselves and need to reconnect with the planet and the eco-system. Thus, every day millions of people worldwide are discovering what possibilities the earth offers us and we have by connecting with the life energy and heartbeat of the earth or Schumann resonance.

We have a self-healing ability that we can activate quite simply

The above image gives a clear picture of who and what we really are. Without sun and life energy from the earth, life was impossible, in fact we are “Beings of frequency” and receive healing energy and life insights continuously from the universe and earth. This ultimate and universal knowledge is being rediscovered by more and more people who are positive and curious in life and realize that a piece of information is being missed. Those who have discovered how to vibrate along to the Schumann resonance or heartbeat of mother earth have regained peace, balance, overview and activated their cells, dna and self-healing capacity. This is the field of consciousness in which our earth is now moving and we may again discover how to connect with the source, where we all originally came from. The highest frequency and state of consciousness in the universe is all-encompassing love and we can all connect to it. Are you respectful and understanding, do not judge until you have examined something, are you peaceful, helpful, generous, show compassion, enjoy and humorous and happy, take responsibility, are honest, clear and have compassion for your own mistakes and that of others? Then you can speak of all-encompassing love and the highest consciousness in the universe. This is the frequency that brings us all back to full consciousness and is the basis of the creation of the new earth where humans have reconnected with themselves, the planet, eco-system, sun, universe and source.

Contact in the Netherlands and Belgium: We have friends in the universe
After 37 years of being a point of contact and having spoken to thousands of witnesses and also having our own interdimensional experiences in Winsum, one fact is clear. There is contact and universal knowledge exchange. This takes place worldwide, Belgium, the Netherlands and especially Friesland and Groningen play a big role in the announcement of extraterrestrial contact which probably has its origin in the history of the Northern Netherlands. There were settlements (Ezinge, Saaksum, etc), people and consciousness before religions arose. The inhabitants at that time found their happiness in the connection with nature, universe and had their own knowledge (consciousness) which was not yet affected by influences involving power and oppression, so humanity lost the connection with itself, planet and eco-system. Since the ley lines in Winsum, for example, have been reactivated, this energy and all-encompassing consciousness based on all facets of love has returned. This reveals itself especially in people who are working on themselves and are above all smart devices and seeking their own truths. With more and more witnesses we bring this special universal news and evidence to the attention of our administrators, media and anyone who wants to hear it. This is done individually, in groups, presentations and is reaching more and more people who realize that there is more than is offered to us through normal channels.

These are the three of invaluable news events that we draw people’s attention to and urge everyone to focus on them and not expend any more energy on the old world but to raise awareness with each other in peace, respectfully and lovingly standing shoulder to shoulder. For the health of OUR CHILDREN, ourselves, the planet and the eco-system. Is there any choice but to spread the ultimate truth that can bring the solution?

In order to keep up almost daily with the developments and the real essential news about the transition or evolutionary leap in the Netherlands, Belgium and worldwide, we ask you to follow the energy updates or visit our activities and spread this further everywhere for the sake of everything and everyone. Connect, collaborate and focus on the above mentioned highest priorities to bring people back to understanding and dialogue with each other.

One thing is for sure… Universe is magic and love the key
We wish you all the best and until the next newsletter!

Heartwarming greeting in Love Connected,

Team Schumann Institute Netherlands

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Verbindingsdag | Schumann Instituut Nederland | Tiel
Anton Teuben presenteert Universele Intelligentie!
Universal News form the source & Energy Updates from the Earth

Tonight, a special Energy Update!

Tonight we have a special Energy Update…

SIN presents “Universal Intelligence,” the Ultimate Universal Solution to virtually all serious problems on Earth and the way to PEACE!

As the oldest UFO hotline in the Netherlands and the Schumann Institute, founder Anton Teuben got in touch with helpful, peace-loving Universal visitors, mostly resembling humans. They gave him lessons in Universal Intelligence and this knowledge is for everyone!

Therefore we hope for your presence at this Galactic Evening.

The Energy Update takes place online between 20:30 and 21:30, entrance is free. You can watch via this Zoom link: . Will you be there too?

Live uitzendingen!

We zijn NU Live!

Schumann Instituut Nederland en UFO meldpunt Anton Teuben claimt: 

Ochtend: 10.30-12.00 uur
Middag: 14.30-16.30 uur
Avond: 19.30-21.00 uur

Zowel in de morgen- als de middaguitzending starten we met kort Universeel Nieuws en gaan we daarna in op de grote cover-ups t.a.v. vrije, natuurzuivere energie. En wat kunnen we al gebruiken? Gaten bij de polen en wat zit eronder? Buitenaards contact in Nederland en België en vanwaar komen ze? Klimaatverandering of natuurlijke cyclus? Wie zijn wij en waarom zijn de Schumann resonantie en de juiste afbeelding van de mens uit het vakgebied gehaald van het Universitaire Onderwijs? Dit bespreken we met o.a. Sjaak Bruisten, Frank Bonte en het Schumann team die de presentaties en cursussen verzorgen.

Vanavond alsnog Geert Huinink over klanken & frequenties. Jullie hebben gisteren en eergisteren al van zijn muziek kunnen genieten dus wees erbij!!
En dan Reinoud Eleveld over zijn Vallei Cursus, waarmee hij anderen leert om je eigen energie in en door je lijf te kunnen sturen.
Daarna onze conclusies van de afgelopen goed bezochte Live Week en de afsluiting daarvan.

Entree is gratis. Meekijken kan via deze Zoom link:
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