Schumann Institute Netherlands


Natasja Buster

From my practice byTaske foot reflexotherapy I offer support so that one learns to get more in touch with their body to learn to make better choices from there. The beauty of working with energy is that what plays a role for yourself you also regularly encounter on your path. After my training, I had the strong feeling that I could deepen myself, from the training you already You are already peeled off like an onion, but for me, there was still something I had to discover. Very intuitively I let myself be led on my path and so at the beginning of 2021 I came across the Schumann Resonance course. course. I knew I wanted to be a part of it and I made some efforts to be able to participate in a specific weekend even though the calendar indicated that this course was full.

I would like to introduce myself; I am Natasja Buster-Teulings, 50 years old, born in `s-Hertogenbosch, married and mother of 3. From my training as a foot reflexologist, I came in contact with the theme of energy. At first, this seemed like a far away from my bed show but after I started to delve deeper it became more like coming home. From my work in elder care, I worked a lot with people with dementia. I was often asked how I could sense the attunement with the people so well and at first, I had no answers to that. Now I realize that energy and my natural attunement played a big role in that. Because of this I also ran into the obstacles of working in elder care, because I did not know what brought me out of balance/energy and what gave me energy.


🇳🇱 NL


That is where my connection with the Schumann resonance began. So beautiful to experience for myself what consistent attunement does to me. I get up with it and literally go to bed with it. So much has happened this past year and I feel myself getting stronger and stronger where I have not been powerful. But now it’s more of a natural force that requires less energy whereas before it was an unnatural force that I needed as a sensitive person to be able to stand up in the world around me. A world that never really seemed to fit, it was not an unpleasant world but never really my world. In January I did the trainer/coach course in order to focus from my practice to focus on individual coaching but also provide the course on the Schumann resonance. around the Schumann resonance.

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We zijn NU Live!

Schumann Instituut Nederland en UFO meldpunt Anton Teuben claimt: 

Ochtend: 10.30-12.00 uur
Middag: 14.30-16.30 uur
Avond: 19.30-21.00 uur

Zowel in de morgen- als de middaguitzending starten we met kort Universeel Nieuws en gaan we daarna in op de grote cover-ups t.a.v. vrije, natuurzuivere energie. En wat kunnen we al gebruiken? Gaten bij de polen en wat zit eronder? Buitenaards contact in Nederland en België en vanwaar komen ze? Klimaatverandering of natuurlijke cyclus? Wie zijn wij en waarom zijn de Schumann resonantie en de juiste afbeelding van de mens uit het vakgebied gehaald van het Universitaire Onderwijs? Dit bespreken we met o.a. Sjaak Bruisten, Frank Bonte en het Schumann team die de presentaties en cursussen verzorgen.

Vanavond alsnog Geert Huinink over klanken & frequenties. Jullie hebben gisteren en eergisteren al van zijn muziek kunnen genieten dus wees erbij!!
En dan Reinoud Eleveld over zijn Vallei Cursus, waarmee hij anderen leert om je eigen energie in en door je lijf te kunnen sturen.
Daarna onze conclusies van de afgelopen goed bezochte Live Week en de afsluiting daarvan.

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