Irma Meuffels

🇳🇱 NL
South-Holland, The Netherlands
Born in 1963 in a small farming village in the Betuwe, I was aware from an early age that I did not like Earth and did not feel happy.
All the stimuli from outside, life, school, friends, but also as a child I could experience out of body experiences and felt the environment and where I was then very pleasant.
Then to top it all off came Crohn’s Disease at age 14 which caused many medical and social problems.
Years of hospitals and also mental health care followed because life was a big challenge for me, with big bumps.
Then I came in contact with the Schumann Resonance, and everything fell into place!
I finally understood what I could accomplish with my consciousness and my body.
Since then, by following the course and also the trainer training, I work with this energy and direct my body with it, with enormous results.
For me after years of medications and medical treatments and consultations, this meant that I could stop everything .
My blood count and checks are perfect!
My doctors are aware, and are perplexed how this is possible.
This has now become my mission, I want to pass this on to everyone ! How does it work, what do you encounter in these processes, how do you deal with “opposition”, I would like to help you with this.
I grant this to everyone, after almost 50 years I am in perfect health!