Henriëtte van Heertum

I am
Henriëtte van Heertum
Living in the city Altena, Noord Brabant.
In 2021 I learned about the Schumannconsiousness, also called the consiousness of Mother Earth. This practise is very helpfull for all people to become aware of their own power just by connecting with the universal light energy. One can do this in a very accessible manner.
With the intention to spread this knowledge to as many people as possible I became a trainer. My purpose is to raise consciousness, for indiviuals and for the collective. In that way people become aware of their endless possibilities and power.
We are powerfull and loving beings!
It would be my pleasure to show people the way to stand in their own strength.
For information about live courses in Nistelrode, Drunen and Dussen: mail to