Schumann Institute Netherlands


Greta Klunder


🇳🇱 NL 


Stadskanaal, NL


Several names have been given to me, of which I use Greta Mé. (I am) the most commonly used.
Our Blackfoot medicine man gave me the name Epyioyaki and my Galactic family told me that on my home planet Antares, my name is Ki-ri.
Together with my husband, I live in our Ecosystem in Stadskanaal. In it we work on self-sufficiency, permaculture and take care of all the animals that come to our property of their own free will. Man, animal, plant and tree all have their own task.
Thus currently live deer, hedgehogs, pheasants, squirrels, various birds, our 5 cats, bees, butterflies and many insects. The coordination between them requires occasional correction, but the animals are also learning to live peacefully with each other.

I grew up in the countryside of Groningen and in nature. After various training in health care and community organizations, I have had several diverse work experiences. In the present, I focus on our practice Cangleska and our Ecosystem.
In this we tune color, fragrance and diversity for bees and insects and the other animals. My husband and I are both Manual Practitioners, (various forms of massage, foot reflexology and Shiatsu). In addition, I am an Aura-Chakra therapist and solitary nature witch. Recently we also started giving magnetic field therapy.
We work with minerals and crystals, with which we occasionally attend markets. We call our premises The Inner World. There has been a Kiri tree on the grounds for several years.
This is known as the tree of the future and is called the tree of life.

Cangleska means an all-encompassing ONENESS and comes from the Lacota.
From our Native friends, all from ancient cultures, we have learned much about Mother Earth and her energy. Also how they experienced extraterrestrial life and how they made this clear to people (stories, singing and dancing, drawings, etc).
I had been following Anton Teuben for several years and at the end of 2021 I applied to the Schumann Institute. The knowledge shared in the Energy updates and by the speakers, complements my previously acquired knowledge.
I train small groups of 3 to 4 people on my own property, where the main goal is: to teach people how to connect naturally with the Mother Earth energy and the energy from the Universe. The students learn in nature, what it’s like to resonate with the Mother Earth and how this energy can be self-healing for body and mind. During the course, I use the course material from the Schumann Institute so that the students receive the same information as the students in the larger groups with the other trainers.

"The students learn in nature, what it's like to resonate with the Mother Earth and how this energy can be self-healing for body and mind."

Greta Klunder

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Verbindingsdag | Schumann Instituut Nederland | Tiel
Anton Teuben presenteert Universele Intelligentie!
Universal News form the source & Energy Updates from the Earth

Tonight, a special Energy Update!

Tonight we have a special Energy Update…

SIN presents “Universal Intelligence,” the Ultimate Universal Solution to virtually all serious problems on Earth and the way to PEACE!

As the oldest UFO hotline in the Netherlands and the Schumann Institute, founder Anton Teuben got in touch with helpful, peace-loving Universal visitors, mostly resembling humans. They gave him lessons in Universal Intelligence and this knowledge is for everyone!

Therefore we hope for your presence at this Galactic Evening.

The Energy Update takes place online between 20:30 and 21:30, entrance is free. You can watch via this Zoom link: . Will you be there too?

Live uitzendingen!

We zijn NU Live!

Schumann Instituut Nederland en UFO meldpunt Anton Teuben claimt: 

Ochtend: 10.30-12.00 uur
Middag: 14.30-16.30 uur
Avond: 19.30-21.00 uur

Zowel in de morgen- als de middaguitzending starten we met kort Universeel Nieuws en gaan we daarna in op de grote cover-ups t.a.v. vrije, natuurzuivere energie. En wat kunnen we al gebruiken? Gaten bij de polen en wat zit eronder? Buitenaards contact in Nederland en België en vanwaar komen ze? Klimaatverandering of natuurlijke cyclus? Wie zijn wij en waarom zijn de Schumann resonantie en de juiste afbeelding van de mens uit het vakgebied gehaald van het Universitaire Onderwijs? Dit bespreken we met o.a. Sjaak Bruisten, Frank Bonte en het Schumann team die de presentaties en cursussen verzorgen.

Vanavond alsnog Geert Huinink over klanken & frequenties. Jullie hebben gisteren en eergisteren al van zijn muziek kunnen genieten dus wees erbij!!
En dan Reinoud Eleveld over zijn Vallei Cursus, waarmee hij anderen leert om je eigen energie in en door je lijf te kunnen sturen.
Daarna onze conclusies van de afgelopen goed bezochte Live Week en de afsluiting daarvan.

Entree is gratis. Meekijken kan via deze Zoom link:
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