This is the news
As a result of the NPO program Op1 (July 6, ’23), the subject of UFOs has come into the spotlight. We are very happy about this, although we ourselves prefer to speak of lightships, because we miss the true news on this subject. The visibility and existence of lightships is hidden from us.
The awareness of UFOs in Friesland is now being brought back into the light. This could be a great opportunity to reconnect people. The subject was quite controversial at the time, creating duality at the time. Indeed, it was almost 50 years ago in 1974 that bright lights and objects could be seen in the sky in Gorredijk and its surroundings. This worldly news even reached America.
Omroep Fryslân paid extensive attention to this in 2011 in cooperation with Anton Teuben, who had been a UFO hotline for 30 years at that time. A short documentary was made about this. You can see the documentary below.
Call for UFO witnesses in Gorredijk
As a result of the NPO program, the museum Opsterlân is putting together an exhibition about the events in Gorredijk and surroundings. Mid January 2024 they hope to open this exhibition. For this they ask witnesses of this phenomenon to mail any drawings, visual material, diary stories about what they have seen, etc. to the museum Opsterlân.
This is something that we as Team Fryslân of the Schumann Institute would like to participate in. For it is important that it becomes known that the lightships with the not so good intentions are already gone for good and there are now only helpful and loving friends in the universe. Precisely because many adults and certainly also children already have this knowledge and therefore have fallen into great isolation. By recognizing this phenomenon – the existence of light ships – we can all connect together again.
Anton Teuben who has been a UFO hotline for over 30 years has discovered that the lightships have been visible in all these years, all over the world already. Our earth has always been visited and continues to be visited to this day. So people need not fear lightships.
Through Energy Updates of the Schumann Institute you can get in touch with like-minded people. Of course, you can also post all your experiences at
We recommend always sharing copies of your footage and keeping the original yourself.
You can listen to the call from Friesland via this link.
The fragment of Taede Smedes and Jan de Vries about the renewed interest in UFOs on NPO 1 can be found here.
Anton Teuben will give an explanation of the UFO Phenomenon, or lightships, on October 6 (hall open from 19.30, starts at 20.00) in De Skâns in Gorredijk, see this link.
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