1 on 1 Coaching/ Consult
It's Time to Start Your Adventures
There is clearly a great need for consultations and coaching calls, especially in these special times. The Schumann Institute offers telephone and online (with image and sound) consultations and coaching, for people who feel the need to discuss, for example, about the Schumann resonance (peaks and troughs, how can I best keep the connection at home myself), the events in the Netherlands and around the world, the shift from 3D to 5D, (the new consciousness), extraterrestrials and all other matters.
This resonance is truly vital. When one can consciously allow this to flow through the body, one becomes more calm, positive, stronger, healthier and happier almost immediately. You are less susceptible to disease and can more easily let go of anything that hinders you from moving forward. The Schumann Resonance provides the energy and insight to regain peace, clarity and clarity for yourself. Tranquility is the basis of creation.

Do you have questions about interdimensional contact or the Schumann Resonance? Anton or one of our coaches are available for telephone or online consultations. A phone or online consultation takes (maximum) 30 minutes and costs €30.00
Coaching program:
Through intuition, various methods and techniques in the field of energy / frequency, the Schumann resonance and NLP, you as a client can regain awareness of body and mind. With the almost inevitable patterns that have crept in over the years through various events (traumas). By going through this and starting to feel into it, you will realize that these patterns do not serve you (anymore). You may now distance yourself from them. Then you can integrate the new desired patterns and techniques. This will raise your entire frequency and also (re)activate your self-healing capacity. Through dedication in the integration process, this frequency increase will quickly become your own. During the sessions energetic techniques and methods are used, in which intuition plays a leading role. You can think of consultations, coaching and energy sessions such as connecting to the Schumann resonance (heartbeat of the earth), gaining insights through visualizations or playful, practical and symbolic exercises to become more aware of your own power and energy.
This program includes:
- A thorough intake interview
- A customized and developed plan including homework exercises
- A per individual customized step-by-step plan, advice, homework and possibly updated exercises
- It is also possible to experience a session in the Astrum stargate. (not included)
This traject is for five weeks, but can be adjusted to a longer period as needed. The coaching is conducted by It’s U!.
It is possible to book through this link via a contact form or you can also email us at info@it-is-u.com for more information.